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CECA Bylaws
Affiliates | Partnerships |
I. NAME | Connecticut Educators Computer Association |
II. PURPOSE | The purpose of this organization shall be to provide a professional association to promote the integration of technology in Connecticut schools. It shall promote the exchange of knowledge, experience, and ideas. |
III. MEMBERSHIP | The membership of this organization shall be composed of professional educators who are committed to the integration of technology into the learning environment, and other individuals who have an interest in promoting the goals of the organization. |
a) The officers of this organization shall be the President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Conference Chairperson(s), the Communications Editor(s), Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairperson, and the Immediate Past President. b) The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of this organization. The Executive Board shall meet at the discretion of the President, or with the agreement of two-thirds of its members. |
a) The President shall call and preside at all the meetings of the organization, of the Board of Directors, and of the Executive Board. The President shall also appoint such committees as are appropriate. It is the responsibility of the President to assume general oversight for CECA policies and programs. b) The First Vice President shall, with the President, assume general responsibility for CECA policies and programs, and assume a leadership position in a CECA initiative or program. The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence. c) The Second Vice President shall, with the President, assume general responsibility for CECA policies and programs, and assume a leadership position in a CECA initiative or program. d) The Conference Chairperson shall coordinate all registration, vendors, presenters, presiders, and other needs for the annual CECA Conference. She/he shall also be responsible for collecting and reporting on conference evaluations. e) The Communications Editor(s) shall be responsible for the editing and distribution of communications to members and others at least four times per year. f) The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes at all meetings of the organization, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Board. He/she shall also be responsible for distribution of the minutes of general and Executive Board meetings. g) The Treasurer shall be responsible for all fiscal matters, maintenance of the CECA checking account, and periodic reporting on such matters to the Board of Directors, including the results of an annual audit. h) The Membership Chairperson shall be responsible for developing and overseeing membership. She/he will also maintain an up-to-date membership list for the organization i) The immediate past president will be a member of the Executive Board. |
a) The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers of the organization, at least one public school representative from each of the geographic regions represented by the RESCs, and representation from the Connecticut State Department of Education. b) The Board of Directors may also include At-Large Representatives, representatives from private education, business, and/or higher education, or any other individuals the membership feels should be included. c) The Board of Directors shall meet once each month, September through May, or at the discretion of the President. All organization members are welcome to attend all Board meetings. d) The duties of the members of the Board of Directors shall be to:
a) A Nominating Committee, appointed by the President in March, shall be responsible for developing a slate of Officers and other members of the Board of Directors. b) Nominations may also be made by the general membership, either at the Annual Meeting or at any time after the Nominating Committee has been formed. In such cases, a statement from the nominee must be included indicating her/his willingness to serve. c) Officers and other members of the Board of Directors shall be elected for a term of one year. d) Elections will be conducted by simple majority vote of those members present at the Annual Meeting. e) Vacancies that leave a RESC district unrepresented during the year may be filled by a nomination from any Board member at any Board meeting and by vote of the Board members at the next Board meeting. f) The Annual Meeting shall be a general meeting, open to all members of the organization, held each year in the spring. |
a) Yearly dues shall be set by the Board of Directors at the first meeting in each calendar year. b) The dues shall be for the fiscal year. c) General membership meetings may be called by the President, by a majority of the Board of Directors, or upon demand in writing, signed by a majority of the members. d) At any officially called meeting of the members, the members present shall constitute a quorum. e) Each member present shall have one vote. There shall be no vote by proxy. |
IX. FISCAL YEAR | The fiscal year of the organization shall be from May 1 through April 30. |
a) Amendments to these by-laws may be proposed by any member of the organization. b) Amendments may be voted at the Annual Meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. c) The Board of Directors must be formally notified of amendments to the by-laws two months prior to the Annual Meeting or two months prior to a special meeting called for the purpose of ratifying amendments. d) Amendments must be ratified by a majority vote of the Board of Directors one month prior to the Annual Meeting or one month prior to a special meeting called for the purpose of ratifying amendments. e) Amendments must be ratified by a 2/3 vote of the membership present at the Annual meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose of ratifying amendments. |